“Friendship in a Film” by Katmaz – A Song Feature


     The single from Katmaz holds the potential of an engaging session if placed in the hands of a skilled song exploder. Exploding “Friendship in a Film” based on its different time segments reveals the careful thought devoted to its composition and production, as well as the skillfulness in its execution.

     “Friendship in a Film” opens with a production-heavy 16 seconds and closes with a slightly shorter segment of uncomplicated yet engaging percussion. Between those bookends, Katmaz establishes an easygoing, pondering energy during the verses and a more demanding feel during the chant of “Hey Wait!”. The song concerns addiction. Katmaz explains: 
   “'Friendship in a Film’ is about growing up with someone that faces problems with addiction. The song feels light and nostalgic and takes us to a more innocent place, while the lyrical content is weighted. Lyrically, it is a plea to get help, and at the same time, it’s a letter, letting them know that they do not face it alone.”

     The single seems influenced by the 1970-71 timestamp of the Moody Blues, as the swell sweeps through during the verse “You are not alone anymore” (specifically, at 3:20). Slightly later, a spoken-word underlayer of the chorus is reminiscent of Paul Simon. Other portions of “Friendship in a Film” are more aligned with Radiohead. 

     Katmaz is Matthew Kaz (aka Kazmierczak), an American songwriter, producer, and multi-instrumentalist. He tends to write his music from a visual angle, almost as much as from the melodic perspective. The masterful production of “Friendship in a Film” is a collaborative effort of Katmaz and his long-time friend Savings (Jason Podkulski). The strings are the work of Joe Zeitlin. The single was mixed by Darrell Thorp (Grammy Winner with Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Beck) and mastered by Andy “Hippy” Baldwin (Interpol, Oasis).

     Katmaz was born in Buffalo, New York. He left the state in 2020 and now resides in Los Angeles, where he co-runs a studio with Savings on Melrose Ave. “Friendship in a Film” is the fourth single from the upcoming ablbum “Tell Me How Great You Are. 

     “Friendship in a Film” by Katmaz

Lyrics of “Friendship in a Film” by Katmaz
I wish that I could make you sober
I’d make the time to be there
No one wants to wait until it’s over
We’re all hoping that you will pull through
Hey, Wait!
Waste your days with indecision
You’re the only one left in your way
Talk about the times we had when we were sippin’
And how you were dropping out in every way
Break the reigns of your tradition
They’re only gonna hold you back from what you know
You tell me that your whole life has been conditioned
But remember, what you reap is what you sow
You are not alone anymore
Hey, Wait!
Please don’t go don’t go don’t go don’t go don’t go
2, 3, 4

“Friendship in a Film” by Katmaz – A Song Feature “Friendship in a Film” by Katmaz – A Song Feature Reviewed by Lehvi on June 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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